2013-12-13 16:41 Stunning tentacle sculpture ring in carnation silver, a pink metal similar to rose gold but with alloyed with silver instead of gold. This sculptural piece was cast from the tentacles of a small octopus Peggy's great grandmother had saved as part of ... дальше
2013-12-13 16:39 This lovely black silver necklace was cast from the tentacle of a small octopus my great grandma had found and shellacked. I molded, cast and fabricated a bail for it before oxidizing the piece. It is finished with acrylic to preserve the oxidized fi ... дальше
2013-10-09 03:22 Long, warm and really luxury felted wrap.
Very soft, fur free ahimsa wrap scarf.
Beautiful, long and lustrous sheep locks, softest Australian merino wool and tons of various silk make this wrap really unique and luxury.
2013-09-24 18:01 Браслет сделан из кабошона в технике "лэмпворк" и бронзовой основы+ кожаный шнур Кабошон изготовлен мной из муранского и серебросодержащего стекла вручную, в открытом огне. Бусина проходит через обжиг в муфельной печи, это закаляет её и придаёт прочн... дальше