To Be with Someone I Truly Love...
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To Be with Someone I Truly Love...
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2011-06-26 02:02
And then I said, it’s not that it’s wrong to want such a goal, it’s just that what would happen once you reached it? What if we were in that house one day, with the kids and the dog and the multiple cars in the garage? Don’t you think that once we were there, we would look back on the days when we were young and poor and could only afford tiny apartments in the city, and we would try to budget out how many restaurants we could go to every month, and then argue about which ones to go to, and how we’d stay up really late watching TV even though we knew we’d pay for it the next morning, or how I really hated the hills around your place, but grew to begrudgingly accept them because they gave me a really good workout, especially when I could only find a parking spot at the very top of the hill, or how you had your totally rockin’ band and I would go to your gigs and then try to think up lame names for your next songs, or how we would stand on your balcony after dinner, drinking wine and looking at the sunset over the bay?

But all this is now, I said, this is us, and I can’t think of anything better than knowing how wonderful your life is at this moment, there’s no need to wait for the future to arrive, and how horrible is it when you can’t take a moment to realize and appreciate that?

And he smiled and said he was glad I felt the same way.
(c) Pastrygirl dessertfirstgirl.com/2006/09/...
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2009-08-13 09:25 ...and who loves me in teh same way
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2011-06-26 08:22 not ryan?
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2011-06-27 04:41
I dunno, its a really hard thing to figure out...
with him I can see the "american dream" part, but not the other part...
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2011-06-27 07:52 I mean, Ry is a sweetheart and i would die if i would hurt him in any way. I enjoy spending time with him, but there is no spark from my side. it just makes me feel like I am trapped ( I mean even my mum would not support me, if i ended this relationship)...
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2011-07-03 10:00 honey, you're too young to settle for someone who gives you no spark! he's by far not the last nice guy you'll ever meet.

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