Burberry Factory Outlet
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Burberry Factory Outlet
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Теги: одежда

Цена: дорого +виза в UK

Повод: Burberry-мания

Благодарности: Barcelona!

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2011-05-05 20:09
The Burberry factory outlet is really a must-see for all Burberry fans. It is the actual factory shop and consists of five main rooms holding women’s fashion, men’s fashion, 2 rooms of accessories as well as childrenswear. Prices are definately cheaper (I bought a compact mirror for £9 reduced from £60) but certain items could probably be bought in the actual Burberry shop sale for around the same price as in the factory outlet. Most of the accessories are seconds so make sure to check the item carefully for any obvious faults as the outlet does not give refunds on purchases as their policy is ”what you see is what you buy”. The majority of clothes items do not have smaller sizes available so if you are looking for smaller sizes, then it is probably worth phoning them before your trip there to see when they are expecting more stock.

Burberry Outlet Address: 29-53 Chatham Place, London E9 6LP
Telephone Number: 02089853344 (Use +44 if you are calling from abroad)
Opening Times: 10am - 6pm (Mon - Sat), 11am - 5pm (Sun)
How To Get There: Nearest tube station is Bethnal Green on the Central line which is a bus ride away from the outlet, Hackney Central is the nearest main railway station and is a 5 minute walk from there. You could also take a bus there depending on where you live/stay which may be an easier alternative. You can go to the London Transport website and use the journey planner to plan your route: http://www.tfl.gov.uk

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