If you don't know what to buy, then read this |
Цена: from cheap up to un-fucking-believable-why-am-i-even-hoping
Благодарности: it's only partly done, and mostly those were my presents for myself. good job, me.
2013-11-01 21:21 i really like BATH & BODY GOODS. like salts and bombs and stuff from lush. maybe not from lush. everything that smells like woods or citrus. lip balms, eye gels, creams, nail polish. i also starve for SWEETS. lollipops, gummies, marshmallows. i fancy STRONG DRINKS - bourbon, sake and maotai. i absolutely adore BOOKS. but you have to have lots of money and come to the bookshop with me. and i want funny BOWTIES. surely i want to go shopping for beautiful CLOTHES, but we should be in europe for this case. oh, hey, buy me TICKETS AND VISA to some european country. you can pay for my IELTS EXAM. or you can generously pay for my MASTERS DEGREE. no? how odd. just shut up and give me MONEY. my precious.
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