The Complete Asterix Box Set (34 titles) (The Complete Asterix Collection) Paperback
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The Complete Asterix Box Set (34 titles) (The Complete Asterix Collection) Paperback
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Теги: книги

Ссылка: amazon.co.uk

Цена: £173.50

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2016-02-10 17:54 This all time great series of Asterix graphic novels (comic books) has been authored by Rene Goscinny and illustrated by Albert Uderzo. The series first appeared in the French Magazine 'Pilote' on 29th Oct., 1959. These Asterix albums are about the fun-filled adventures taking place in the time of Gaul and the rule of Caesar, starring Asterix and his best friend Obelix. The duo Asterix and Obelix, whose names end with 'ix' like the old Gaulish chieftains of yore, take us on a hilarious and adventurous expeditions against the Romans. This collection does not come in any slipcase. The following 34 titles are included in the set: Asterix the Gaul (1961) Asterix and the Golden Sickle (1962) Asterix and the Goths (1963) Asterix the Gladiator (1964) Asterix and the Banquet (1965) Asterix and Cleopatra (1965) Asterix and the Big Fight (1966) Asterix in Britain (1966) Asterix and the Normans (1966) Asterix the Legionary (1967) Asterix and the Chieftain's Shield (1968) Asterix at the Olympic Games (1968) Asterix and the Cauldron (1969) Asterix in Spain (1969) Asterix and the Roman Agent (1970) Asterix in Switzerland (1970) The Mansions of the Gods (1971) Asterix and the Laurel Wreath (1972) Asterix and the Soothsayer (1972) Asterix in Corsica (1973) Asterix and Caesar's Gift (1974) Asterix and the Great Crossing (1975) Obelix and Co. (1976) Asterix in Belgium (1979) Asterix and the Great Divide (1980) Asterix and the Black Gold (1981) Asterix and Son (1983) Asterix and the Magic Carpet (1987) Asterix and the Secret Weapon (1991) Asterix and Obelix All at Sea (1996) Asterix and the Actress (2001) Asterix and the Class Act (2003) Asterix and the Falling Sky (2005) Asterix and Obelix's Birthday: The Golden Book (2009). ALSO ADDED IN THIS COLLECTION FREE THE LATEST TITLE 'ASTERIX AND THE PICTS' (2013).

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