2014-01-15 09:41 for disgusting things
Повод: все закочилось
Цена: I start with 77$
Повод: wanted to try it an asian way
Благодарности: USPS delivered it today!
2013-02-07 01:46 Hirudoid - that was my first choice Haruhada HadaLabo Hadatuko sana Kanebo Kose Jill Stuart DHC UPD Just placed the order through the Paypal and all I can do is wait to see how I like it..
Цена: 18$
Повод: need a new tube
Благодарности: Macy's Clinique GWP days.
Цена: 27$
Повод: passing through the Dillards
Цена: 17.50
Повод: routine
Благодарности: clinique.com free shipping over the holiday
2010-11-26 05:52 need another one around xmas Free shipping through black friday weekend
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