2011-09-09 06:14 Instead of seeing every difficult or challenging event as a negative, see it for what it could be - smth that was meant to enrich you, empower you, or advance your causes.
10 situations to go
буду делать записи в ежедневнике, чтоб уж наверняка
Благодарности: holy shit, u mena poluchiloooos' :D
2011-09-09 06:14 Most of the time, nobody's thinking about you at all. They are too busy worrying about their own lives, and if they are thinking about you at all, they are wondering what you are thinking about them. привычка формируется 21 день. по знакомству даем с ... дальше
2011-09-09 06:13 You have to believe in yourself when no one else does. That's what makes you a winner. Venus Williams - Olympic gold medalist and professional tennis
привычка формируется 21 день. по знакомству даем себе месяц.
04/08/2011 - 04/09/2011
Благодарности: ya dumayu poluchilos'.
v principe nichego ne zapisivala, no dumayu resul'tatom dovol'na
2011-09-09 02:42 10 ситуаций из жизни, в которых я переборола свою ленивую задницу, и доделала свои дела.
буду делать записи в ежедневнике, чтоб уж наверняка