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Common Technical Document Translation; CTD Translation
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хотят: 3 чел.


2021-07-21 12:02
The Common Technical Document (CTD) is a set of specifications for a dossier to register medicines. After the United States, European Union and Japan, the CTD has been adopted by several other countries including Canada, Australia and Switzerland. Th
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Regulatory Translation
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хотят: 3 чел.


2021-07-21 12:02
Regulatory compliance is the key to acquiring product licenses and the cornerstone to access new markets. The regulatory translation is the translation of documentation on the approval and compliance of medical devices, pharmaceuticals and in vitro d
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Pharmaceutical Translation
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хотят: 2 чел.


2021-06-27 19:58
The pharmaceutical translation is required at many stages, including clinical research, regulatory submission and review, production, and marketing. Accurate pharmaceutical translation services mainly help drug companies grow pharmaceutical sales int
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CMC Documentation
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хотят: 3 чел.


2021-06-27 19:57
CMC stands for Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls. The process in which drugs are evaluated with regard to their specific qualifications is called CMC documentation. It defines not only the manufacturing process itself but also the quality control
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Summary of Product Characteristics; SmPC Translation
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хотят: 3 чел.


2021-06-27 19:57
The SmPC is part of the broader Product Information (PI), which also includes the Package Leaflet (PL) and names the authorization holder, as well as the conditions of the authorization. Accurate translation of drug instruction texts, especially thos
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United States Prescribing Information; USPI Translation
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хотят: 3 чел.


2021-06-27 19:56
United States Prescribing Information (USPI) sets out the agreed usage of the drug. It provides information on usage for healthcare professionals, also known as the drug product label, prescription drug labeling, product insert, package insert, profe
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Clinical Trial Translations
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хотят: 3 чел.


2021-06-27 19:56
More clinical trials are conducted in multi-countries, such as Asia, Latin America, or Central and Eastern Europe. Even US-based studies recruit the majority of the subjects for clinical studies outside the US. Translation is required at many stages
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Common Technical Document Translation; CTD Translation
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хотят: 3 чел.


2021-06-27 19:56
The Common Technical Document (CTD) is a set of specifications for a dossier to register medicines. After the United States, European Union and Japan, the CTD has been adopted by several other countries including Canada, Australia and Switzerland. Th
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Regulatory Translation
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хотят: 3 чел.


2021-06-27 19:55
Regulatory compliance is the key to acquiring product licenses and the cornerstone to access new markets. The regulatory translation is the translation of documentation on the approval and compliance of medical devices, pharmaceuticals and in vitro d
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Medical Device Translation
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хотят: 3 чел.


2021-06-27 19:55
The prospect of overseas opportunities drives medical device firms to develop medical device products. It requires careful translation of all instructions and specifications to market your medical devices in a new country. The complicated process of
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