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Green Lantern: In Brightest Day TPB
Green Lantern: In Brightest Day TPB
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хотят: 2 чел.


2008-10-25 00:27 Collects Green Lantern (1960-1988 1st Series) #7, 40, 59, 162, 173, 177, 182, 183 and 188, Green Lantern (1990-2004 2nd Series) #51, Green Lantern Corps Quarterly (1992-1994) #6 and Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual (1985-1987) #2. Written by J... дальше

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The Final Night
The Final Night
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хотят: 2 чел.


2008-10-25 00:22 In THE FINAL NIGHT, the heroes and citizens of Earth face the impending end of the universe. When a cosmic force of nature known as the Sun-Eater extinguishes the Sun, Earth is thrust into its final night. Deprived of the massive star's illumination ... дальше

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Green Lantern Emerald Allies TPB (2000)
Green Lantern Emerald Allies TPB (2000)
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хотят: 2 чел.


2008-10-16 20:08 1st printing. Collects Green Lantern (1990-2004 2nd Series) #76-77, 92 and Green Arrow (1987-1998 1st Series) #104, 110-111, and #125-126. Guest-starring Green Arrow (Connor Hawke). Written by Chuck Dixon and Ron Marz. Art by Rodolfo Damaggio, Doug B... дальше

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Green Lantern Baptism of Fire TPB
Green Lantern Baptism of Fire TPB
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хотят: 2 чел.


2008-10-16 20:08 1st printing. Collects Green Lantern (1990 2nd Series) #59, 66-67, and 70-75. Written by Ron Marz. Art by Banks, Pelletier, & Tanghal. This volume features Kyle learning the ropes of super-heroism with help from Batman, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, ... дальше

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Green Lantern New Journey Old Path TPB
Green Lantern New Journey Old Path TPB
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хотят: 2 чел.


2008-10-16 20:05 1st printing. Collects Green Lantern (1990-2004 2nd Series) #129-136. Written by Judd Winick. Art by Darryl Banks and Rich Faber. This trade paperback collects the first Green Lantern story arc by writer and former Real World roommate, Judd Winick. A... дальше

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Green Lantern Emerald Knights TPB
Green Lantern Emerald Knights TPB
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Благодарности: Косте

2009-04-08 19:52 1st printing. Collects Green Lantern (Vol 2) 99-106 and Green Arrow 136. Collecting the popular 'Emerald Knights' storyline featuring the return of Hal Jordan! Softcover, 7x10, 208pg, full color.

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Green Lantern vs. Aliens TPB
Green Lantern vs. Aliens TPB
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хотят: 2 чел.


2008-10-16 19:44 1st printing. Collects Green Lantern vs. Aliens (2000) #1-4. Written by Ron Marz. Art by Rick Leonardi and Mike Perkins. Cover by Eric Kohler. When Hal Jordan vowed to respect all life, he probably wasn't thinking of the nasty, acid-dripping, murderi... дальше

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Green Lantern Passing the Torch TPB
Green Lantern Passing the Torch TPB
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Благодарности: Фетту

2009-02-17 18:32 1st printing. Collects Green Lantern (1990 2nd Series) #156 and 158-161. Written by Judd Winick. Art by Dale Eaglesham and Rodney Ramos. Cover by Ariel Olivetti. The final arc of the GREEN LANTERN run by acclaimed writer Judd Winick (GREEN ARROW, OUT... дальше

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Green Lantern Emerald Twilight New Dawn TPB
Green Lantern Emerald Twilight New Dawn TPB
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хотят: 2 чел.


Благодарности: Ктотычу

2009-01-24 19:45 2nd and later printings. Collects Green Lantern (1990-2004 2nd Series) #48-55. Written by Ron Marz; Art by Daryl Banks, Bill Willingham, Derec Aucoin, Steve Carr, Fred Haynes, Craig Hamilton, and Jamal Igle. Cover by Alan Davis and Mark Farmer. A new... дальше

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Green Lantern Brother's Keeper TPB
Green Lantern Brother's Keeper TPB
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Благодарности: Ктотычу

2009-01-24 19:45 1st printing. Collects Green Lantern (1990-2004 2nd Series) #151-155. Written by Judd Winick. Art and cover by Dale Eaglesham and Rodney Ramos. Featuring the award-winning story that garnered national attention. Kyle Rayner's assistant, Terry Berg, p... дальше

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