2009-11-11 17:00 Иной Мир готовится к глобальным переменам, и Стражницам Сети уготована особая роль в этом процессе. В Меридиан возвращается законная правительница - Элион, которая нуждается в поддержке пяти чародеек. Советы придворных противоречивы - кому же поверит... дальше
2009-12-29 16:00 Приключения команды W.I.T.C.H. продолжаются. Во время путешествия в Меридиан Тарани попала в плен, и теперь все мысли чародеек направлены на спасение подруги! Их главные враги - лорд Седрик и его помощница Элион - не сидят сложа руки. Они заманивают ... дальше
2009-09-08 15:16 1st printing. Collects Grimm Fairy Tales: Return to Wonderland (2007) #1-6. By Raven Gregory, Liester, Rio and Ruffino. The most epic Wonderland tale begins here! Years have passed since Alice took her trip down the rabbit hole. No longer the little ... дальше
2009-01-16 23:03 Original Cover Price $24.99 - Your Price is $19.99! 1st printing. Collects the Deathsong story from Wolverine (2003 2nd Series) Annual #1, Plus, Wolverine: Dangerous Game (2008), Firebreak (2007), Killing Made Simple (2008). Written by GREGG HURWITZ,... дальше
2009-01-16 22:12 1st printing. Written by Ron Marz. Computer/painted art and cover by Brad Parker. A softcover edition of the sold-out graphic novel that finds Green Lanterns from three eras battling a terrifying foe! In the Golden Age, Green Lantern Alan Scott faces... дальше
2009-01-16 21:27 Volume 2 - 1st printing. "Part 2!" Collects Justice Society of America (2006 3rd Series) #13-18. Written by Geoff Johns and Alex Ross. Art by Dale Eaglesham and Ruy Jose. Cover by Alex Ross. The Kingdom Come Superman continues to crusade against evil... дальше
2009-01-16 21:25 Volume 1 - 1st printing. "Part 1!" Collects Justice Society of America (2006 3rd Series) #7-12. Written by Geoff Johns and Alex Ross. Art by Dale Eaglesham, Ruy Jose, Fernando Pasarin and Rodney Ramos. Cover by Alex Ross. A stunning new volume featur... дальше
2009-01-16 21:23 1st printing. "The Next Age!" Collects Justice Society of America (2006 3rd Series) #1-4. Written by Geoff Johns. Art by Dale Eaglesham, Art Thibert, and Ruy Jose. Cover by Alex Ross. The world's first super-team returns in this volume, written by Ge... дальше
2009-01-16 20:04 X-Men Cover (Direct Market Edition) - Volume 2 - 1st printing. Collects Astonishing X-Men (2004- 3rd Series) #13-24 and GIANT-SIZE ASTONISHING X-MEN (2008) #1. Written by JOSS WHEDON. Art and cover by JOHN CASSADAY. This deluxe hardcover collects AST... дальше
2008-09-24 21:51 In Gifted, Cyclops and Emma Frost re-form the X-Men with the express purpose of "astonishing" the world. But when breaking news regarding the mutant gene unexpectedly hits the airwaves, will it derail their new plans before they even get started? As ... дальше