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Structure Based Pharmacophore Model
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2021-09-24 08:12
There is structural information of ligand and receptor proteins. Generally, pharmacophore models represent key features of small molecules that allow them to bind-some receptor molecules, but this idea can be reversed, and pharmacophore queries are c
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Pharmacophore Model
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2021-09-24 08:12
The pharmacophore model is very suitable as a search for a virtual screening database. However, one of the more common methods in virtual screening is the layered method, in which different methods are continuously combined, also known as the funnel
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Pharmacophore Model Construction
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2021-09-24 08:11
The pharmacophore model contains multiple functions of a specific 3D model. Each feature is usually represented as a sphere (despite changes), and the radius determines the deviation tolerance from the precise position. These functions can be marked
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syngeneic model
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2021-09-24 06:45
syngeneic model

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Oncolytic Virus Animal Model
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2021-07-21 10:23
Oncolytic Virus Animal Model from Creative Biolabs. Creative Biolabs provides customized, standardized, reliable and high-quality oncolytic virus therapy development services for clients globally.

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model organism antibdy production
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хотят: 2 чел.


2021-07-21 10:21
The model organisms are non-human species, which are used to research biological processes, discoveries made in the organism model will provide insight into the workings of other organisms. Model organisms have become the irreplaceable tools of funda
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biology model organisms
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2021-07-21 10:20
Creative Biolabs was established in 2004, as a biotechnology company specializing in developing and production of antibodies and also a service provider for customized products and relevant services. The company was founded by a group of scientists a
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bacterial model organisms
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хотят: 2 чел.


2021-07-21 10:20
The model organisms are non-human species, which are used to research biological processes, discoveries made in the organism model will provide insight into the workings of other organisms. Model organisms have become the irreplaceable tools of funda
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Tamiya Model Color Enamel Paint 10ml XF1 XF71 Flat Matt series
Tamiya Model Color Enamel Paint 10ml XF1 XF71 Flat Matt series
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Цена: 1800

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2022-07-20 17:09 больше модельных красок, смывок и всего прочего) можно деньгами

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LPS-induced severe sepsis model
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хотят: 2 чел.


2021-05-19 09:20
As one of the most reliable and well-recognized research partners, Creative Biolabs offers diverse rodent models for preclinical research of anti-septicemic drug candidates, including CLP sepsis model, LPS-induced sepsis model as well as new sepsis m
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