Цена: from cheap up to un-fucking-believable-why-am-i-even-hoping
Благодарности: it's only partly done, and mostly those were my presents for myself. good job, me.
2014-11-25 16:16 i really like BATH & BODY GOODS. like salts and bombs and stuff from lush. maybe not from lush. everything that smells like woods or citrus. lip balms, eye gels, creams, nail polish. i also starve for SWEETS. lollipops, gummies, marshmallows. i fancy... дальше
2014-08-17 19:06 Manic panic - Green Envy. Crazy Color - 53 Emerald Green. Directions - Apple Green. Special Effects - Iguana Green. Also! Maybe some orange, blue and violet colours, because of reasons.
Цена: from 300 to 600 rubles for a pair (depends on a shop)
2014-01-09 15:19 two or three or more at once! green-blue-violet-yellow - colours is not a thing to be ignored.
it's just that i'm really tired of my earphones breaking every couple of months. pretty please?