Желания друзей
Повод: tired of my old ones even thou they do look kinda sexy)
Благодарности: me as usual)
2010-09-25 22:41 but it's so damn difficult to find them
2010-07-11 01:22 complicated but still
Повод: love'em
Благодарности: to the maple syrup provider))) hehe all the way from Canada)
Повод: for a reason or without any
2010-06-20 02:01 1st one is so much fun and the 2nd suks so bad
Цена: priceless
Повод: UN...Banderas, Sangria, machos ;-)
комментарии: 1
комментарии: 1
Цена: 865$
комментарии: 2